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How Does Prostate Cancer Surgery Work?

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This is an era of medical revolution, and with improved medical surgery procedures it is possible to beat the deadly cancer. However, prostate cancer still remains one of those diseases that cause many deaths and proper procedure of surgery has to be undertaken to combat that. There is robotic prostate cancer surgery which is highly effective no matter what state of cancer it is. In most of the cases, only the affected tissues are removed, and the other parts are kept so that the person can continue his sexual life after recovering. However, in some cases, if the cancer has spread in the outer side, the total removal may be required.


The prostate cancer surgery is done with local anesthesia, but the patient may be provided with complete anesthetic medicines depending on his age, condition and mental strength. There are distinct machines used for the robotic surgery and at the same time, the doctor has to be efficient enough to leave the tissues that are not damaged by cancer. It is possible to remove the cancer from the route depending on the stage, and this can increase the life span of the patients. The risk is quite low, and the recovery rate is quite high compared to other surgery procedures. 

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